The Future of Hillary Clinton
¿The first woman president of USA?
Hillary R. Clinton was always considered a serious contender for presidency, and today she is the Secretary of State by order of Obama because Hillary was a major competitor and efficient senator.
She had a plan as Christopher Andersen said in his book American Evita.
It is likely that Hillary's plan for future is to run for president in 2012.
Even Hillary would rise to power and had already taken a step toward making the plan a reality. If all went according to schedule, Hillary would share power in the Oval Office with Obama President.
Chelsea told a fellow student at Oxford University she was convinced that her mother would rescue the White House for the Clintons, as Andersen said.
Chelsea's mother is smart and wants to be the first woman president of USA as well as Obama has been the first African American president.
She always said: "I want to run something"
Hillary was destined to run the show from the very beginning, said John Peavoy.
She was always perfectionist and She always had many ambitions, said David Rupert.
Hillary Clinton is a fighter persistent, with the ambition and commitment to breaking the limits imposed on women, and although she will not be the first U.S. president, will be a key voice in the new government of the country as secretary of state.
His former rival in the primaries Democrats, Barack Obama, has announced that it has chosen to succeed Condoleezza Rice as the most diplomatic of the country in a time of great anti-American sentiment around the world.
A close advisor of President-elect predicted that the mere election of Clinton would do much to restore the credibility of the United States.
The former first lady is known as an intelligent woman, calculator, attentive to the letter small and firm. He demonstrated this in the primary elections of his party, the longest in recent history mainly for its refusal to surrender. Diplomatic of the country in a time of great anti-American sentiment around the world.
A close advisor of President-elect predicted that the mere election of Clinton would do much to restore the credibility of the United States.
The former first lady is known as an intelligent woman, calculator, attentive to the letter small and firm. She demonstrated this in the primary elections of his party, the longest in recent history mostly for its refusal to surrender.
She found his true voice, in fact, the finish line, when the war cry of "fight for you" achieved remarkable victories in large states such as Ohio, Texas or Pennsylvania.
His promise caló among voters because Clinton has demonstrated in his life a bitter dedication to the issues that really matter: the reform of the health system, education and the rights of women and children.
An active first lady, no "cookies and tea”. These are issues that may sound typical of first ladies, but during the eight years he spent in the White House, Clinton was not in charity and visits form, and warned that it would not engage in "making and serving tea biscuits" - But she aspired to change federal policies.
This knew Bill Clinton, who in the 1992 presidential campaign, said that by supporting him, the voters were "two for the price of one." Hillary could not say the same thing in the primaries this year because the 18 million votes she received were not enough to give the Democrat nomination. Even so, she opened a gap in the minds of traditionalist country, so that the election of a woman president in the United States now seems only a matter of time.
In comparison, in the last decade the direction of the Department of State has been occupied by two women, Rice and Madeleine Albright, and only one man-Colin Powell. In foreign affairs, Clinton has been at the center of the Democratic Party. In the Senate, where she came in 2001, voted in favor of the invasion of Iraq, for example, but later regret she said.
From Republican to Democrat in Wellesley College at Yale during the campaign, accusing Obama of naiveté in foreign policy and criticized his willingness to meet with the Cuban leader, Fidel Castro, in Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, and with the presidents of North Korea, Syria and Iran. As secretary of state, if confirmed by the Senate, Clinton might have to prepare for such meetings.
The main objection to their presence in the future government of Obama has been his independence and his political ambitions.
That is something that Clinton cannot deny, as have marked his character from a very early. Born in 1947 in the heart of a middle-class family in Chicago, daughter of textile entrepreneur Hugh Rodham and his wife Dorothy, a housewife. In his youth followed the conservative line of his family and became the chairman of the Republican student organization of the university Wellesley College.
But the struggle for civil rights began to move toward the Democrats during his years at the College of Law, Yale University, where he was a brilliant student and met a man promising southerner, Bill Clinton. She married him in 1975, although in a gesture of independence kept her maiden name, Rodham, after the first name.
The Clinton returned to power
It was the first woman partner in the Rose law firm and entered twice in the National Law Journal's list of the 100 best lawyers in the country. At the same time, the tasks performed by first lady in Arkansas during the 12 years that her husband was governor.
In January 1993 she moved with Bill to the White House, where he faced his biggest personal test when it became public sex on her husband with the intern Monica Lewinsky. Despite the anger, Hillary did not leave her husband. Some critics blamed it for their political aspirations; she has indicated that he simply loves. During the primaries, Bill was a tireless support for his candidacy. Now, with the Secretariat of State, Clinton returned to power
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