sábado, marzo 11, 2006

Un buen resumen de lo que paso en BAWO6

Updating the list of tools, activities and resources scattered around BAW06 messages, blogs, webpages. In particular you'll find the following items there.
a.. BAW06 Week 3 Materials and discussions
b.. Blogging tools and samples
c.. Blogs created by Bawers 06
d.. Bookmarking tools
e.. Odds 'n Ends - Tools and Software
f.. Podcasting tools and repositories
g.. Podcasts created by Bawers 06
h.. Resources for ESL/EFL
i.. Teaching activities created by Bawers 2006
j.. Tools for pictures and videos
k.. Tools to create surveys
l.. Tools to create teaching materials
m.. A collection of Tutorials on different topics
n.. Web Editors - Collaborative Writing Tools
o.. Webpages created by Bawers 06
p.. Wiki Pages created by Bawers 06
q.. Wiki Tools

The list gathers the items I was able to pick up myself so I've probably missed a few. Please let me know if there's something you would like to add. Hope this will help those of us who wish to go on exploring online tools. Si... a mi me gustaría añadir lo siguiente:
  • jueves, marzo 09, 2006

    Dos buscadores interesantes

  • MSN de Microsoft
  • . Su vicepresidente dice lo siguiente:
    The company has introduced 43 "search macros" this week, and it plans to introduce many more over the coming months, in addition to those created by users.

    Este buscador es un competidor de
  • , el cual trata de posicionarse como un buscador social network. Que significa esto? Nos lo aclara este comentario:

    The Boxxet engine, which is built around standard software, such as MySQL and JavaScript, is driven by "thousands" of variables, according to Tsang, which he and his co-founder developed. The primary technology they used for categorizing searches is "support vectors," which break text apart to analyze its patterns, says

  • El creador de BOXXET introduce un nuevo término al calificar de BIONIC SOFTWARE su buscador. O¨Reilly comenta este asunto en :
  • al combinar los sistemas biológicos y mecánicos para crear un buscador mász poderoso, donde el usuario es parte de la aplicación, es decir, la arquitectura de participación que tanto se divulga en
  • WEB 2
  • . Por ejemplo
  • que introduce los llamados Tags, los cuales permiten un uso dinámico, o tambien
  • DIGG
  • en donde cuenta las historia de las páginas que ofrece.

    Un lugar innovador también es