viernes, abril 04, 2008

Un comentario de Jaime Bayly desde MIAMI

Es la historia de la muerte del segundo de la FARC (Reyes)...

OBAMA y su discurso en la Iglesia at King´s Church

Es un YouTube donde este candidato habla en esa iglesia... Puede ser interesante ponerle atención a lo que dice...

On the day before the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, Senator Barack Obama delivers a speech to the congregation of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

Negro e branco, brilhante e flexível, Obama revitaliza King

Gilles Lapouge*

Barack Obama tinha 6 anos quando Martin Luther King foi assassinado em Memphis. Desde aquele 4 de abril de 1968, a história mundial tornou-se tão efervescente que esquecemos a face dolorosa dos EUA. A candidatura de Obama é um convite a nos lembrarmos dela. No entanto, se o eloqüente Obama é um herdeiro da epopéia de King, ele o é de maneira longínqua, imprecisa.

King, pastor na Geórgia, foi o representante exemplar dos descendentes de escravos africanos que viviam no sul, repelidos e desprezados pela maioria dos brancos. Obama vem de outra parte. Ou melhor, vem de todos os lugares ao mesmo tempo - e essa é a sua força. Ele é negro e branco. Nasceu no Havaí, de pai queniano e mãe branca de alta linhagem: entre seus ancestrais está Jefferson Davies, presidente dos Estados Confederados da América. Muito jovem, retornou ao Quênia. Estudou em uma escola muçulmana na Indonésia. Fez seus estudos superiores nos EUA. Tornou-se cristão e participou de uma igreja negra de Chicago. Nada disso lembra a história de King. Lembra mais a de um imigrante do que a de um negro americano.

Há outra diferença. King não se inscrevia no jogo normal dos EUA e de suas instituições. Ele não conduziu uma ação política. Era um pastor que a miséria e a injustiça vieram interpelar. Já Obama é um homem político. Seguiu todos os currículos. Sabe das dificuldades. Conhece todas as sutilezas. Assim, o combate que empreende não é exatamente o mesmo que o de King. É por isso que evitou tão ferozmente apresentar-se como o recuperador da bandeira de King.

Nem sempre foi fácil. Ele tinha um desafio sutil: não se passar por um representante natural da comunidade negra, mas sem negligenciá-la. Nesse caso também, ele precisava estar aqui e lá ao mesmo tempo: negro e branco, nem negro nem branco.

O fato de pertencer, se não à comunidade negra, mas pelo menos ao mundo mestiço, não conseguiu descarrilar sua carruagem em várias ocasiões em que isso poderia ter ocorrido. O momento mais perigoso foi no início de março, quando vídeos lembraram que o antigo pastor da igreja de Obama em Chicago, o reverendo Jeremiah Wright, era um inimigo dos EUA. Em 2003, Jeremiah, que foi uma espécie de guia espiritual de Obama, clamou: "Em vez de dizer 'Que Deus abençoe os EUA', é preciso dizer: 'Que Deus amaldiçoe os EUA', que tratam como subumanos alguns de seus cidadãos." Pior: após os atentados de 11 de setembro de 2001, Jeremiah ousou dizer: "Surpreende-me que as pessoas se espantem de que tudo o que os EUA fizeram no estrangeiro seja jogado hoje em sua cara." Diante desse terremoto, Obama reagiu com sangue-frio. Finalmente, ousou encarar de frente a questão racial, essa ferida dos EUA que ele até então evitava. Fez um discurso inspirado sobre o tema, à maneira de um Lincoln ou de King.

De fato, há algumas semelhanças entre sua luta política e a luta humana de King. Os dois homens, num dado momento, defrontaram-se com o mesmo inimigo: o ódio dos extremistas. Por volta de 1960, os negros americanos, constatando que a não-violência não dava resultado, distanciaram-se de King e cometeram excessos sangrentos. King assistiu, desesperado, a esse retorno do horror.

Obama também deparou com o mesmo tipo de excesso. Mas soube acalmar os ânimos. E exatamente por causa de sua personalidade ambígua, meio queniana e meio americana, meio negra e meio branca, um pouco religiosa, mas não muito. Ele tem uma suavidade, uma flexibilidade que King não podia conhecer. E ele tem outros trunfos. Além de seu charme e seu brio dialético, é um homem absolutamente novo. King era muito velho, dos inícios da história americana. Obama, com apenas 46 anos, é um homem livre em relação às tradições políticas asfixiantes às quais todos os seus concorrentes estão extremamente ligados.

O fato de ele pertencer à comunidade negra, longe de aliená-lo dos brancos, como ele próprio temia, é, ao contrário, aceito. Melhor ainda: muitos americanos brancos, desesperados ao constatar o desprezo, o ódio ou a aversão aos EUA no mundo todo, se perguntam se este homem brilhante, negro e ileso de todos os clichês americanos não poderia reconquistar o coração dos homens. A cor da sua pele não poderá fazer esquecer a imagem corrompida e despedaçada dos EUA de Bush?

*Gilles Lapouge é correspondente em Paris

jueves, abril 03, 2008

miércoles, abril 02, 2008

América Latina y sus inversiones según Reuters

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Mexico 's economy has yet to suffer a significant slowdown despite a feared recession in the United States , as industrial output and investment stay fairly healthy, the central bank governor told Reuters.
Experts warn that a drop in the U.S. economy will hurt Mexico more than others in Latin America, but Gov. Guillermo Ortiz, at the Reuters Latin America Investment Summit in Mexico City , said recent data suggested Mexico is in relatively good shape.
"So far this year, we haven't really felt an important slowdown in Mexican economic indicators," he told Reuters.
"Figures for consumption, as well as investment, industrial production and foreign trade point to a first quarter with relatively strong activity," Ortiz said at the Reuters Summit, although he predicted the period would be slower than it was a year ago.

Chile Enersis to invest $10 bln in Latam
SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Chile-based regional energy group Enersis ENE.SN told Reuters on Tuesday it will invest $10 billion in Latin America between 2008-2012, adding that its plans are unswayed by turbulence in global markets.
"Around $4.4 billion will be spent on the distribution business and $5.6 billion on power generation, at today's exchange rate," CEO Ignacio Antonanzas told Reuters after a shareholder meeting of the group's Endesa Chile unit.
Enersis, the regional investment arm of Spain 's Endesa, is headquartered in Santiago and has power generation and distribution units in Argentina , Brazil , Colombia , Chile and Peru .
The firm's power-generating operations are concentrated in Endesa Chile , while its distribution business is centered in Chilectra and other subsidiaries.
The firm's investment plans over the next five years will be funded in large part by cash flow, Antonanzas told Reuters.
He forecast the firm's earnings before taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) would be around $3 billion this year."A good part of these investments will be financed through operations (cash flow)," Antonanzas added at the Reuters Summit. "Endesa Chile and Enersis have ... robust balance sheets. This is the investment policy that we have decided on and plan to use going forward."

Peru's Alicorp sees sales at $2 billion: CEO
CALLAO, Peru (Reuters) - Alicorp, one of the largest food processors in Peru , plans to boost annual sales to $2 billion by 2013, its chief executive told Reuters on Tuesday, as the company looks to expand in Latin America .
Foreign acquisitions and exports figure prominently in the company's growth plan, said CEO Leslie Pierce.
"In the next five years, we should double sales ... to above $2 billion," Pierce told the Reuters Latin American Summit.
Alicorp's 2007 sales totaled 2.805 million soles (about US$1 billion). It sells everything from cookies to ketchup.
"We are looking very closely at acquisition opportunities in the region, like in Central America and the Caribbean," Pierce, who also mentioned Ecuador , Colombia and Argentina as possible areas of interest, told Reuters.
Alicorp already has manufacturing operations in Peru and distribution hubs in Ecuador and Colombia .
Foreign sales make up about 15 percent of Alicorp's total sales, said Pierce, who has previously said the company wants to boost exports to about 40 percent of total revenue by 2017.
The company plans to invest $15 million in Peru in 2008, mostly for maintenance, said Pierce at the Reuters Summit.

Braskem optimistic on Venezuela expansion
RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Brazilian petrochemical company Braskem is set to expand into Venezuela and sees its planned investment in two plants there as safe even though ExxonMobil Corp had been involved in the same project before quitting that country.Supplies of high-quality Venezuelan naphtha and abundant natural gas are key to competing with Middle Eastern suppliers of petrochemical products in the Americas and Europe , Braskem Chief Executive Jose Carlos Grubisich told Reuters late on Monday.The Venezuelan venture will be Braskem's first project outside Brazil and part of an international expansion for the largest petrochemical company in Latin America ."It's not a question of optimism, it's business -- we have supply contracts for ethane and propane already negotiated that put us at the same competitive level as the Middle East," Grubisich said during the Reuters Latin America Investment Summit in Sao Paulo."It's a fact, plus we are combining advanced technology with global scale -- that's unbeatable," he told Reuters. "This opens a very big prospect for us to consolidate our position and become a much more important player in North America and Europe ."Braskem and Venezuela 's state petrochemical company, Pequiven, hold stakes of 49 percent each in the Jose petrochemical complex project. Another 2 percent is owned by Japanese trading house Sojitz.The

Grupo Mexico eyes $5 bln Baja port project
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - Industrial Grupo Mexico said on Tuesday it was eager to win a piece of a $5 billion project to build the Punta Colonet port on Mexico 's Pacific coast.The planned mega-project on the Baja California Peninsula is meant to handle part of the surge of goods bound to U.S. consumers from Asia . It will be an alternative to Long Beach and Los Angeles , whose ports are at capacity."The big promise is Punta Colonet," Grupo Mexico Vice President Juan Rebolledo told the Reuters Latin America Investment Summit. "It will undoubtedly be the most significant infrastructure project in the past 15 or 20 years."
Mexican President Felipe Calderon has launched an ambitious program to invest billions of dollars to build and improve highways, airports and ports. Experts say the country needs better infrastructure to compete internationally.
Mexico's government has said it will launch tenders to build Punta Colonet, meant to handle 5 million containers per year, in the second half of 2008.

Brazil's Fator eyes brokerage takeovers
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Banco Fator, one of Brazil's last independent investment banks, plans to buy domestic brokerages in the expectation that stock trading in the country will surge in the years ahead, Chief Executive Manoel Horacio da Silva told Reuters on Tuesday.The bank sees four or five good takeover targets and has "flirted" with some candidates, though no final agreements are in the works, he said. Consolidation among brokerages is ripe as banks seek to cut costs
Fator's brokerage was the biggest at the Sao Paulo stock exchange in 2004, but fell in the rankings in the past few years just as trading volume grew and the number of initial public offerings in Brazil jumped to record highs."We are buyers. We will try to bulk up the brokerage by acquiring others," Silva said at the Reuters Latin America Investment Summit in Sao Paulo .
"It's very expensive to run a brokerage, to maintain the compliance, risk. These (smaller) companies will have no way out. There will have to be consolidation."
The bank also plans to take advantage of a windfall from the sale of stakes in Brazil 's two largest financial exchanges, Bovespa Holding and BM&F SA, to launch a private equity firm, called Fator Capital, and four separate funds.
Fator is in talks with a domestic bank and a local pension fund over a fund with 400 million reais ($228.6 million) in assets that will invest in medium-sized companies, Silva told Reuters.
The bank is also in discussions with a major foreign bank to raise $600 million for another fund to invest in infrastructure in Brazil , mainly energy projects, he said at the Reuters Summit. Talks with the partners for the two funds should be concluded in 30 or 40 days.

Ecuador mulls debt buyback in 2008
QUITO (Reuters) - Ecuador has not ruled out buying back parts of its global bonds due in 2012 and 2030 this year if conditions are favorable, but it will not issue new foreign debt in 2008, Finance Minister Fausto Ortiz told Reuters on Tuesday.
Ecuador is analyzing all available options to improve its debt profile and will lower its public debt service burden by around $1.2 billion this year from 2007, Ortiz said, speaking at the Reuters Latin America Investment Summit in Quito.
"It is important to say that the weight of the debt service is no longer the main problem of the state budget," Ortiz told Reuters. "All financial options (to reprofile debt) are on the table."The option to buy back parts of the debt will depend on the impact a possible U.S. recession has on foreign markets as well as the costs to fix damage to the Andean nation's infrastructure and key crops after recent heavy rains and flooding, he told Reuters.Widespread flooding has prompted other government officials to predict slow economic growth this year, but Ortiz told Reuters he hopes the world's top banana exporter will keep on track with its 4.2 percent growth target.

Peru's Alicorp looks abroad to boost sales
CALLAO, Peru (Reuters) - Alicorp, one of the largest food processors in Peru , plans to boost annual sales to $2 billion by 2013, its chief executive told Reuters on Tuesday, as the company looks to expand in Latin America .
Foreign acquisitions and exports figure prominently in the company's growth plan, chief executive Leslie Pierce told Reuters.
"In the next five years, we should double sales ... to above $2 billion," said Pierce, speaking at the Reuters Latin American Summit in Lima , Peru .Alicorp's 2007 sales totaled 2.805 million soles (some $1 billion dollars). It sells everything from cookies to ketchup."We are looking very closely at acquisition opportunities in the region, like in Central America and the Caribbean," said Pierce, who also mentioned Ecuador , Colombia and Argentina as possible areas of interest.

Quién impone criterios en USA ?

Por Antonio Herrera

La sociedad norteamericana -no sus gobernantes- es la que impone parámetros en ese país

En naciones con débil estructura institucional las cosas pueden moverse al antojo de un caudillo y se toman decisiones viscerales, al calor de la pasión o porque "me da la gana". Un elemento que diferencia a las naciones desarrolladas es que tienen pesos y contrapesos institucionales al poder.

Cuando Lula iba a ser electo Presidente de Brasil muchos dijeron que aquella enorme masa poblacional y extensión geográfica iba a caer en manos extremistas y a sumar aliados a las oscuras fuerzas que apoyan al terrorismo y al populismo irresponsable. Nada de eso ocurrió.

Brasil, a pesar de su carga de millones de marginados, cuenta con amplias capas poblacionales modernas y de considerable formación cívica. Lo mismo ocurre en China y la India. Brasil tiene además consolidadas instituciones como Itamaraty que hacen que la política exterior sea cuestión de Estado. Resultado: Lula se proyecta como gobernante civilizado; y con su elección Brasil liquidó el tema de la discriminación contra la izquierda.

Cuando Felipe González iba a ser electo en España abundaban alarmistas que decían: "¡Qué vienen los rojos!". Pasó lo contrario y hoy Zapatero y Moratinos flirtean con las izquierdas exóticas del mundo -como en su tiempo hizo el PRI mexicano- pero a la hora de la verdad toman muy en serio las relaciones con la Unión Europea y Estados Unidos.

Muchos analistas del Tercer Mundo hoy ven en el senador Barack Hussein Obama una alternativa radical ante el cansancio y exasperación que genera George W. Bush en la mayor parte del planeta.

Obama está impulsado en las primarias porque Bush es antipático, y porque muchos sectores marginados de Estados Unidos achacan al gobierno de turno políticas económicas que ellos - como en todas partes- creen causantes de sus propios infortunios.

Muchos analistas del Tercer Mundo, en su rechazo a Bush piensan que Obama viene a implantar una especie de régimen revolucionario en Estados Unidos. Olvidan que aún si el senador demócrata gana -para lo cual aún falta mucho- no podrá disponer del país como hacienda propia. Habrán algunos gestos y cambios de estilo, pero de allí no pasará.

Esos analistas olvidan que las dos guerras mundiales, Corea y Vietnam estallaron porque en el exterior algunos creyeron que presidentes demócratas serían tolerantes con dirigentes hostiles a Estados Unidos. La sociedad norteamericana -no sus gobernantes- es la que impone parámetros en ese país. Los enemigos de esa enorme nació

martes, abril 01, 2008

Vamos a ver TERRAM...las noticias

En Terram que viene de Chile aparece una nota sobre el asunto mundial sobre el ambiente y mejorar el compromiso de KIOTO.