sábado, febrero 17, 2007


Una revista digital interesante. Allí puede ver la mejor pintura que realizó la mexicana Frida Kahlo en su mejor época.

Mirando hacia CHINA...

The Poverty and development are two always open issues for mankind. In today’s world these two have surpass all other developed subjects into their folds because gap between developed and developing are increasing day by days. The brighter side of our story will tell Science and technologies’ ultra advance applications for all. Here ethical question arise that How and when all, where more than 1.6 billion global citizens are living under extreme poverty.

In Asian front India and China had major Share of Below poverty line population in world. In Early Seventies Both nations had started its fights against poverty. India Is still has 300 million People who could not able to earn US $ 1/day where as China since the end of the 1970s; the rural poverty reduction work in China has made achievements of world interest. Measured by the line of mainland China, the number of the absolute poor in rural areas whose living standard is under the subsistence level has dropped from 250 million in 1978 to 23.65 million in 2005, and the incidence of poverty dropped from 30.7% to 2.5% during the same period of time; according to the evaluation by the World Bank, in the 10 years during 1991 and 2000, the number of poor living below 1 US dollar per day has declined by 274 million globally, of which, 151 million in China, which represents making up 55% of the total, and 75% of the total poverty reduced population in the developing world. At the same time as the number of poor declined significantly, the infrastructure and social utility levels in poor regions, and the basic working and living conditions of the poor have all improved sharply.

While China is experiencing the transition from the planned economy to the market-based one, furthering the modernization process, both economic growth and poverty reduction have been achieved.

Developing Societies in general and India in Special can take lesson from China and share their experiences with extreme poverty to do some thing for human kind.

(Fuente:Un artículo de Dev Mishra escrito en Citizen Express.com )

Un nuevo periodismo citadino

No hay duda que se está imponiendo en el periodismo dugital lo que se denomina CITIZEN Journalism. Un periodismo elaborado por ciudadanos reporteros muchos de ellos con vocación para escribir y contar historias o noticias pero no necesariamente son periodistas profesionales. El enlace que he colocado arriba proviene de la INDIA y se llama CITIZEN EXPRESS. Vamo a ver de que se trata...

A community news portal www.citizenxpress.com has been laucnhed in india by group of young indian research Journalists in december 2006.

The community new portal Citizenxpress.com is research work of ABC Media Research and Development Center, Run and Managed by These youngs Research journos .This portal is fully dedicated to the cause of citizen involved journalism popularly called CITIZEN JOURNALISM. All news and information have their sources in citizens. They create news and information or witness the news but they have no relevance in news gathering, processing and publishing system of contempory media. The citizen journalism is the voices of all those citizens who are creating or witnessing news and information around them, the citizenxpress is an open platform for all those citizens.

Now a day’s fascinating proverb is being engineered i.e. for all (4 all).like education for all, health for all, justice for all etc but participation by all is no where in their agenda. This gives impressions that all who want to do some thing for all still not willing to relinquish their position of givers. Which always reflect in their actions vice versa. So there is urgent need of a platform, where all will act as givers as well as takers. Flow of knowledge can be from either sides depending on the need and requirements of situation.

En Corea del Sur existe también el periodismo de ciudadanos. Puede verlo ahora:

  • OHMyNews (COREA del SUR)


  • El enlace de arriba lo lleva al periódico digital de Corea del Sur.

    viernes, febrero 16, 2007

    Quieres oir el concierto de Queen en TOKIO 1985

    Si quieres oir el concierto de QUEEN en TOKIO y en el año de 1985 y otros conciertos famosos tienes que hacer click arriba. Que los difrutes,

    jueves, febrero 15, 2007

    El Archivo de asunto de Seguridad

    La Universidad George Washington ha desarrollado un archivo de los documentos desclasificados, la mayoría sobre actos terroristas. Es interesante hacer click arriba para ver este aporte.

    martes, febrero 13, 2007

    La Biblioteca de POESIAS ALMIAR

    Al entrar por favor búsquen los Poemas Publicados en el No. 19 y hagan click allí para leer al menos dos poesías de Alfredo Ascanio (un canto a Macchupichu y un Canto a Chile).

    Y en la revista Venezolana Letralia también fui favorecido con la publicación de tres poesías mios:
  • La revista digital Cubana

    Ustedes saben que en Cuba existe una única información; es decir que la revista Granma tiene el "monopolio de la sabiduria", es decir una comunicación "monocolor" como la que existe en Korea del Norte. Menos mal que ya China y Vietnam comienzan a realizar cambios civilizados.No obstante, es interesante leer lo que dice Granma para poder ponderar las verdades, las madias verdades y lo que no es cierto desde otros puntos de vista.En seguida voy a colocar la prensa mundial digitalizada donde aparece el periódico de Korea del Norte para poder comparar los estilos. O también en :

  • lunes, febrero 12, 2007

    Para editar Fotos

    Ud. puede editar sus fotos antes de enviarlas a un determinado lugar. Para ello existen 4 sitios free (de gratis) , o sea:





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