sábado, marzo 19, 2016


Michelle Obama me dice


This week is the sixth anniversary of the passing of the Affordable Care Act -- one of the most important bills that Barack has signed into law to improve the lives of the American people. And it's working.

It's been six years since supporters like you stood up and called on Washington to do the right thing and ensure that Americans have access to benefits like free preventive care and coverage for prescription drugs; that kids can stay on their parents' plans until they turn 26; and that no one ever has to confront lifetime limits on their insurance, or unfair costs for women, or barriers to being insured because of pre-existing conditions. 

OFA supporters played a vital role in making all of this possible, and Barack and I could not be more grateful for all that you've done.

But our work isn't finished. Millions of Americans in several states would be eligible for Medicaid, but state leaders are refusing to expand it for political reasons. And millions more Americans can now get coverage under the new marketplace, but don't yet know about their options. Reaching all of those people depends on supporters like you. 

OFA is one of the groups keeping up the fight for affordable health care -- add your name to join them.

Sasha and Malia are growing up fast (too fast), and as a mom, I know the peace of mind that comes with knowing that your family will have the health care they need. 

A few weeks ago we learned that 20 million people now have that same sense of security because they've gained health coverage thanks to Obamacare -- and 100 million Americans who already had coverage now have additional benefits.

That's an overwhelming success for families, but there's more work to do -- say you'll stand with OFA and keep up the fight for affordable health care:



Michelle Obama

viernes, marzo 18, 2016


The light sweet crude oil prices closed above $ 40 / bbl in the New York market on March 17 for the first time since Dec. 3, 2015, and the natural gas future prices Settled at almost $ 1.94 / MMBtu ITS ie highest level in a month.

Oil futures prices mostly US Have joined since 11 February, When the contract for next month fell to $ 26.21 / bbl, Which was almost the lowest since 13 years.

Analysts say oil prices supported by hopes Have Been That Producers would freeze production levels and overall excess supply would begin to decline. Oil Prices were supported by a weakening Also US dollar.

The dollar index Wall Street Journal, Which tracks the US dollar Against a basket of 16 currencies, was down 1.1% on March 17 to 86.63, lowest level since June ITS 2015.

The dollar fell after US Federal Reserve Officials Suggested on March 16, the Fed is likely to only Increase the benchmark interest rate twice esta year, down from projections of four Earlier Increases.

With gas prices rose high oil prices along in the Mar. 16-17. Platts Bentek issued a report in March on LNG exports from the US and gas supply, observing the domestic market is "awash With Gas" with no Shortages expected.

High levels of gas storage limit any sustained upward pressure on gas prices, Platts Bentek Said, adding That is partly gas demand During the month of Because March has-been warmer than usual.

"Total The demand for gas in the US This year to date is down 7.9 MMcfd from the same period last year. Gas production in the US is up to 1.1 MMcf per day and Reached a record high of 73.8 MMcfd as recently as late February, "Said Platts Bentek. "US storage levels of gas in early March Were 42% higher than the five-year average and 58% higher than the same period last year."
But gas storage withdrawals United States is likely to end soon, Which Could leave gas inventories at a very high level, Platts Said Bentek.

Energy prices

The April crude contract on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose $ 1.74 to $ 40.20 / bbl on 17 March. The May contract rose $ 1.66 to $ 41.66 / bbl.
The NYMEX natural gas contract for April rose Nearly 7 ¢ or be a rounded $ 1.94 / MMbtu. The Henry Hub gas price was $ 1.82 / MMBtu to 8 ¢.

Heating oil for April delivery rose 2 ¢ to a rounded $ 1.25 / gal. The price of Reformulated gasoline stock for oxygenate blending for April Gained 2 ¢ to a rounded estimate of $ 1.44 / gallon on March 17th.

The Brent crude contract for May on London's ICE Gained $ 1.21 to settle at $ 41.54 / bbl. The June contract rose $ 1.20 reaching $ 42.18 / bbl. ICE gasoil contract for April was $ 375.25 / ton, $ 8.25.

The average price of the OPEC basket of 12 crudes was $ 36.36 / bbl.




jueves, marzo 17, 2016

Enrique Aristeguieta Gramcko nos dice

Enrique Aristeguieta Gramcko, miembro de la Junta Patriótica que dio al traste con la dictadura del General Marcos Pérez Jiménez, envió este viernes una carta pública al partido Voluntad Popular en la que afirma, que el camino mas rápido para liberar a los presos políticos es emplazando a Maduro a que presente su partida de nacimiento venezolana.
Dicha misiva es la respuesta de Aristeguieta Gramcko a las declaraciones de los dirigentes naranjas, Freddy Guevara y Luis Florido, quienes no confían en el tema de la nacionalidad de Maduro para logar un cambio de gobierno.
A continuación el texto completo de la carta:
Miembros de la Junta Directiva
Partido Voluntad Popular
Estimados amigos:
Con sumo interés he escuchado las declaraciones recientes de dos altos directivos de Voluntad Popular respecto al tema de la nacionalidad del ciudadano Nicolás Maduro Moros.
El diputado Freddy Guevara dijo que no cree en el asunto, porque “una dictadura es capaz de inventar partidas de nacimiento” (https://youtu.be/EsZA8_gSJOA). Por su parte, el diputado Luis Florido declaró “necesitamos más que una denuncia sobre la nacionalidad de Nicolás Maduro; necesitamos un documento que demuestre su condición de extranjero”. Además, dijo que aún consiguiendo las pruebas “tenemos un obstáculo, porque el Tribunal Supremo de Justicia dirá que son documentos forjados y que Nicolás Maduro es venezolano” (https://youtu.be/9B8KtetLKnM).
En vista de ello, me siento en la obligación de comunicarme con ustedes para aclarar los siguientes aspectos:
Primero, el sistema venezolano de identificación y registro está basado, al igual que ocurre con el resto de los países iberoamericanos, en el Archivo General de Indias, creado por el rey Carlos III en 1785, cuyo sistema hace casi imposible el forjamiento de documentos. Si fuese posible falsificar los libros donde se asientan las partidas de nacimiento, ya Maduro lo habría hecho.
Segundo, no es necesario buscar pruebas sobre la nacionalidad de Maduro. Es él quien tiene la obligación de presentarlas ante la Asamblea Nacional, para así cumplir con el artículo 41 de nuestra Constitución que obliga a ser “venezolano por nacimiento y sin otra nacionalidad” para poder ejercer el cargo de Presidente de la República. Si Maduro no presenta la documentación requerida, debe presumirse que no la tiene, y en consecuencia, no es venezolano.
Tercero, según el artículo 96 de la Constitución Política de Colombia, Nicolás Maduro es colombiano por nacimiento por ser hijo de madre colombiana y por haberse residenciado en Cúcuta durante su juventud, ambos hechos notorios ya comprobados.
Cuarto, para decretar la nulidad de la juramentación de Maduro como Presidente de la República ante la Asamblea Nacional y de esta forma removerlo del cargo, no se requiere de  la aprobación del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia. Lo puede hacer la propia Asamblea Nacional por el principio de autotutela administrativa.
Es importante que ustedes tengan estos aspectos muy en cuenta, porque una de las principales prioridades de Voluntad Popular, y de millones de venezolanos, es la liberación de Leopoldo López y del resto de los presos políticos. Lograr un cambio rápido de gobierno mediante el tema de la nacionalidad, es el camino más expedito  para sacarlos de la cárcel.
Sin más a que referirme, y en disposición de ampliar los criterios aquí expuestos, si así me lo requirieren ustedes,   me despido con un cordial saludo.
Enrique Aristeguieta Gramcko

lunes, marzo 14, 2016


for Carolina Jaimes B

His style is confrontational. It is disrespectful, rude and knows no limits. Venezuelans know well that way of doing politics. Trump does not want to be "politically correct".

"Like poles repel, opposite poles attract." This is a law and it is true not only in physics. In human relationships it is common. And it is a fixed policy: the ends are similar, although their doctrines are radically opposed.
I watched the Republican campaign for the presidential candidate Donald Trump where it seems that is about to clinch the victory, think of what it is like Chavez and of course, his son and heir Maduro.
What makes a people tipping over to support an aggressive, segregationist and obtuse leader? It has nothing to do with education: remember that the most educated people in the world bought the speech of Adolf Hitler. Nor does it have to do with religion in the name of God have been committed horrible crimes throughout history. I think it has more to do with instincts and passions and definitely needed more than education or religion to go against the grain.
Trump went even further-in the same style of Chavez as a candidate, offering fry adecos oil and pour muriatic acid to the Supreme Court then (as I heard him speak at an event in Maracay) - and spoke public to "kill those who disagreed with him." First time in the history of the United States that a candidate provides such nonsense on television. 
Forward and backward, half joking and half serious, he said amid cheering followers. Trump has no limits on what he says and pathetically style that attracts a lot of Americans. So much so that the same Republicans are in a sort of "all against Trump" to see if they stop the madness that can become the candidate.
Freedom of expression? It can not be "free" to use an expression that breaks with civility, democracy and respect for those who think differently. In another act, which referred to Trump had to hit his critics, a follower, John McGraw, he hits a black man, Rakeem Jones, who attended the rally. 
The worst is that the security officers tried to attack as if it was the attacker: he was handcuffed and taken into custody, while the attacker was allowed to return to his post.
A couple of days later, Corey Lewandowski, campaign manager Trump hit the journalist Michelle Fields. When questioned, she replied that she "just wanted attention."
Special mention Trump's ideas to "expand the laws to include torture". harshly he criticized the "sentimentality" Barack Obama about it. "We have to be tougher, rougher. To those (dissidents, enemies) have to drown them in boxes, "he said. Trump masterfully handles public opinion, as did Chavez.
What will the military? Gen. Michael Hayden, former director of the National Security Agency and the CIA, against whom also charged Trump told MSNBC: "The military will not obey orders that violate laws. It is not mutiny, not coup. They are American soldiers who refuse to violate the law. "
Hopefully Americans do not have to go through what we went through us. Here we have seen several seasons of the series of terror. Unfortunately, no one chastens from somebody else ...


El Horóscopo de ARIES

Aries, estás angustiado. El trabajo te está matando. No puedes más. Estás desesperado porque necesitas ese dinero para subsistir pero, sabes que tu cuerpo te está enviando señales y que tu alma está agotada. 

Estás en una situación de máxima desesperación. No sabes qué hacer ni a quién recurrir. Tu intuición te dice que la situación empeorará y que tú eres víctima del destino. 

Y nunca se equivoca, tu intuición es privilegiada. Tienes miedo porque no sabes lo que pasará. Quizás sea hora de dejarlo todo, de tirar la toalla. No lo debes de hacer pero, a día de hoy, nadie te lo impedirá. 

Te sientes absolutamente solo y aislado. Deja ese pesimismo, apártalo inmediatamente de tu vida y habla con tus jefes. Quizás ellos puedan proponerte un trato para que te puedas ir de un modo legal y beneficioso para ti. Nada pierdes por probar.

Maestro Rejko