martes, julio 21, 2009

Opiniones sobre el Twitter

Twitter sin duda tiene todas las trampas de una moda en Internet: Cobertura mediática exorbitante, aprobada por celebridades, un buen tráfico de personas. Pero, según el análisis de Nielsen Online, Twitter presenta una débil tasa de retención, lo que no sucede por ejemplo con un blog.

"I guess Nielsen didn't take into consideration that people do not need to visit the website anymore once they installed applications like DestroyTwitter or Tweetdeck or Seesmic," reader B. Moore wrote. "So IMHO there 'sic' stats are wrong and they need to rethink how they measure twitter."

Valleywag has floated the rumor that Apple (NASDAQ: APPL) is in "serious negotiations" to buy Twitter for as much as $700 million, with the hope of announcing the deal June 8 at its Worldwide Developers Conference.

U.S. commanders launched their "social networking strategy" for Afghanistan Tuesday, using the hugely popular Web site Twitter to release information about some of their operations.U.S. forces in Afghanistan have had their own Facebook page ( for about two weeks and have also been using the popular YouTube video sharing site ( to post videos about their work and the daily lives of U.S. troops.

The Twitter app, for instance, enables TV viewers to follow tweets pertaining to the program they're watching, or to scan through hot and trending topics and create a list of trending topics.

The Facebook tie-in offers a widget where members of the social network can log in using Facebook Connect and update their status to alert their pals that "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" is on and they are not to be bothered.

"I guess Nielsen didn't take into consideration that people do not need to visit the website anymore once they installed applications like DestroyTwitter or Tweetdeck or Seesmic," reader B. Moore wrote. "So IMHO there 'sic' stats are wrong and they need to rethink how they measure twitter."

Valleywag has floated the rumor that Apple (NASDAQ: APPL) is in "serious negotiations" to buy Twitter for as much as $700 million, with the hope of announcing the deal June 8 at its Worldwide Developers Conference.

U.S. commanders launched their "social networking strategy" for Afghanistan Tuesday, using the hugely popular Web site Twitter to release information about some of their operations.U.S. forces in Afghanistan have had their own Facebook page ( for about two weeks and have also been using the popular YouTube video sharing site ( to post videos about their work and the daily lives of U.S. troops.

The Twitter app, for instance, enables TV viewers to follow tweets pertaining to the program they're watching, or to scan through hot and trending topics and create a list of trending topics.

The Facebook tie-in offers a widget where members of the social network can log in using Facebook Connect and update their status to alert their pals that "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" is on and they are not to be bothered.

Pero con el TWitter se pueden hacer muchas cosas:

  • Entrar a Twitter
  • lunes, julio 20, 2009

    domingo, julio 19, 2009


    Un video sobre la historia de la TIERRA...y su propia tragedia. Es bueno hacer CLICK arriba...

    Una breve reflexión...

    Lo bueno si breve, dos veces bueno. Por lo que te invito a que veas estos magníficos documentales sobre sostenibilidad y ecología. Dan que pensar, pero sobre todo nos mueven a actuar y a cambiar la forma de pensar para luego cambiar la forma de hacer, especialmente en lo que se refiere a:

    * Superpoblación: Según los expertos, nuestro planeta soportaría sosteniblemente 1.000 millones de personas. Pronto seremos 7.000 millones.
    * Alimentación: 1 Kg de carne cuesta 5kg de cereales, 10 litros de petroleo y miles de litros de agua. (Aunque nos moleste saberlo).
    * Energía: El petroleo y el carbón son la base del problema. Los océanos, el viento y el Sol, son la solución.
    * Reciclar, Reutilizar y Reducir son la otra cara de la moneda.
    * Las nuevas tecnologías, por un lado los sistemas de comunicación por Internet, nos permiten reducir el consumo de energía, el riesgo de accidentes, el tiempo invertido en desplazamientos, la contaminación, etc.. y por otro los hay que nos proveen de energías renovables.

    Nos quedan 10 años para evitar cambios irreversibles en la Biosfera, esa región de la tierra en donde vivimos, fina como una capa de barniz en un balón de basket.

    Otro video espectacular, los desastres que el hombre ha producido en la naturaleza:

  • 11Tha Hour

  • Y otros que es una verdad que incomoda: