viernes, febrero 05, 2010


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jueves, febrero 04, 2010

Para mejorar su estrategia en Twitter

5 Applications To Schedule Your Tweets

By: Laura Wimble

Using Twitter as integrated part of a social media strategy is an imperative! However, to use it effectively, a business needs to invest time in managing their Twitter strategy. There are a number of applications that allow scheduling your tweets as to make your life easier. Although their number increases every day, we have compiled a list of best 5 applications.

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite is my favourite application for scheduling Tweets. It is very easy to use and reliable. Some of its features are:

-      tweet schedule based on date and hour,

-       allows the use of multiple Twitter profiles with multiple editors each,

-       integrated Facebook, LinkedIn and status updates

-      track statistics, RSS their content,

-      vertical columns, drag-and-drop functionality and embeddable columns contribute to HootSuite’s intelligent, intuitive layout

2. Cotweet

In the CoTweet Cohort advisory panel you can find brand names such as Ford, Pepsi, Best Buy, JetBlue, Sprint, and Microsoft. Designed to help businesses maximize their Twitter ROI, it offers a more sophisticated CRM solution allowing companies to:

-    manage multiple accounts from a single dashboard (up to six accounts),

-    support multiple editors for each account,

-    track conversations, assign roles and create follow-up tasks,

-    tweet scheduler for any date and time,

-    monitor keywords and trends,

-    conversation threading and on duty notifications,

3. Taweet

Taweet (beta) is a social calendar and event promotion application for Twitter launched in 2009. The application offers an effective way to manage your Twitter accounts:

- events Widget : solution for displaying upcoming events on your website or blog and sharing them on Twitter,

- multiple Account Management

- intuitive User Interface: a familiar user interface where you can create and manage your Future Tweets and also view your Twitter stream, replies and messages

- threaded Discussion

- social Calendar & Events: displaying all of the Future Tweets that you create.

4. Future Tweets

Future Tweets is a great simple service, which saves a lot of time and works for businesses who want to tweet. It allows you to:

-    schedule reoccurring tweets,

-    no multiple account management,

-    use short links and set a

5. Tweet Funnel

If you are looking to generate more consistent and relevant content for your audience by engaging more of your staff in the tweeting process, Tweet Funnel is your type of application.

-    supports multiple user types — administrators, publishers and contributors,

-    standard built in tweet scheduler,

-     contributors’ tweets can originate from a Web client or a mobile device.

These are few of the most useful applications that allow you to schedule your tweets in advance.

About the Author

SysComm International provides focused Internet marketing services including fully managed and highly successful Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing, Cotweet, Hootsuite, Taweet, Twiiter Marketing Services, Social Media Strategy, Tweet Funnel, Twitter, ROI, Rss, Widget.

(ArticlesBase SC #1819502)

Article Source: - 5 Applications To Schedule Your Tweets



  • Una HOJA WEB brasilera promovida por RITA AMARAL, antropóloga urbana y residente en San Pablo, donde pueden ver muchos artículos desde la revista No. 1 hasta la más reciente No. 9.

    Wall Street y la buena música

    Wall Street y la buena música
    Cómo encontrar un «tratamiento» para combatir los problemas
    Alfredo Ascanio (Askain)

    Publicado 2008-09-17 13:43 (KST)

    Diez años después del final de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el mundo parecía estar en el mejor de sus momentos.

    La inversión crecía, también crecía el empleo y el bienestar de la gente parecía mejorar. Sin embargo, en octubre de 1929, la Bolsa de Nueva York experimentó una fuerte quiebra y casi todos los países comenzaron a experimentar graves problemas económicos.

    Cuando en marzo de 1929 Herbert Hoover fue el nuevo presidente en USA, parecía que todo podía mejorar, pero la Reserva Federal decidió elevar la tasa de interés un punto porcentual y pedía a los bancos que no concedieran más préstamos para invertir en el mercado de valores.

    Todos estos hechos prendieron la alarma entre los inversionistas y luego en octubre de 1929 comenzó la venta de activos en el mercado de valores. Pero el Miércoles 23 de octubre, se vendieron en Wall Street al menos 6 millones de acciones a precios muy bajos y durante el "Jueves negro" la venta de acciones fue de 12 millones y el "martes negro" en la Bolsa se rompió con la pérdida de $ 2.4 mil millones en una semana.

    El impacto fue muy grande. En el país surgió más desempleo, muchas pequeñas y medianas empresas cerraron sus puertas y la clase media fue la más afectado por todos estos problemas.

    Hoy, la Bolsa de Nueva York tuvo nuevamente su "lunes negro" y casi todos los mercados bursátiles mundiales cayeron a un promedio de tres a cuatro puntos porcentuales. Todo esto comenzó con los graves problemas de los préstamos hipotecarios para la vivienda y debido a que muchas personas no podían pagar sus deudas a los bancos.

    Los grandes bancos hipotecarios se han declarado en quiebra. Hoy martes de 2008 hay mucha incertidumbre sobre la economía de EE.UU. y otras economías de los países importantes.

    Los dos posibles candidatos McCain y Obama tuvieron ideas diferentes para resolver estos problemas. El pueblo estadounidense no sabe aún cuál será la mejor solución, pero Tim Paradis, de AP Business, dijo: "La Fed ha reducido la tasa de para los fondos federales en 3,25 puntos porcentuales y ahora su nivel actual es más o menos del 2 por ciento respecto al año pasado. Muchos en Wall Street esperaban que la Fed mantuviera las tasas estables, pero había cierta esperanza de que el Banco Central podría lograr una de tensa calma en los mercados financieros con un recorte de tasas ".

    Por ahora la gente quiere olvidar sus propios problemas. En el año de 1929 algunas personas se refugiaron en la música para olvidar los terribles acontecimientos de la quiebra y en ese momento fue el jazz y sobre todo el swing que sirvió como un "medicamento". Hoy en día no podemos predecir lo mismo. Hoy en día no sabemos si la música puede ayudar a olvidar los problemas.

    Por ejemplo, un amigo que trabajó durante años en el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), viajó a Alaska en un crucero con su familia para olvidar los problemas. Pero no todas las familias tienen el dinero suficiente para realizar estos viajes de lujo.

    La gente que vivió el huracán Ike hoy en día tienen más problemas acumulados. Lo único que pueden hacer es escuchar una buena música country o leer un buen libro y olvidar un poco todo lo que sucede.

    Alfredo Ascanio es un profesor de economía en la Universidad Simón Bolívar en Caracas, Venezuela.
    © 2008 OhmyNews
    Otros artículos por el reportero Alfredo Ascanio

    miércoles, febrero 03, 2010


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    martes, febrero 02, 2010

    Gunnar Myrdal and Sweden's Welfare Policies

    Gunnar Myrdal and Sweden's Welfare Policies
    Exploring Myrdal's contributions to the welfare state
    Alfredo Ascanio (askain)
    Published 2009-07-17 16:55 (KST)

    Gunnar Myrdal founded and directed the Institute for International Economic Studies in Stockholm. He is one of the world's leading social scientists, and is above all an economist.This Swedish economist has given great importance to social reforms.

    In Sweden, for instance, huge social reforms were instituted at a steady and, in fact, accelerating pace. It's hard to develop when there isn’t enough work, with a major program of health and social insurance.

    Myrdal was fascinated to discover that over the ages, the great world religions and the grand philosophies attached to these religions have all been egalitarian in principle and thus endorsed the fundamental value of modern social policy.

    Why and how did it happen, that this shining idealistic vision of the dignity of the individual human being, of his basic right to equality of opportunity and also his right to assistance when in need, developed so early and in every corner of the world? And how did it survive so many centuries of blatant inequality and oppression?These two questions were always present in articles, essays and books.

    Although it is not easy to find answers to these questions, Gunnar Myrdal said that the conditions for an egalitarian social policy were gradually created when people were granted universal suffrage and labor organizations were strengthened.

    And that is precisely what seems to be happening in US with the new President Obama.

    Even more than that, political parties are now increasingly active in proposing improvements including a new pension system. Mr. Obama has done a better job of selling his package, and had worked harder at making sure that Republicans were included in the process and thus making it more difficult for them to oppose his plans.

    Sweden, of course, is an extreme case. But Myrdal sees much the same socio-political mechanism at work in the US when the Republican Party, under Eisenhower, did not attempt to reverse the reforms carried out by preceding Democratic regimes, although in various respects, these programs had been fought by the majority of Republicans in Congress, together with the non-liberal Democrats from the South. Instead, the Republican Administration continued the same policies in a cautious way.

    The Nixon Administration certainly did not indulge in President Johnson’s exuberant rhetoric about the "unconditional war on poverty" and the creation of the "Great Society". Satisfying the peculiar American quest for stilted eloquence, President Nixon competed by promising a "Second American Revolution".

    But at first, Nixon actually liquidated little of what had left from the Johnson regime. Nevertheless, the American nation will again find its way to imperatively necessary social reforms.

    To summarize, as far as the development countries are concerned, Gurnard saw that the welfare state as more than an achieved situation.Dynamically, It has become an almost immutable trend. Its further development can be slowed down for a time and occasionally even reversed.

    But alter such a stop it can be expected to continue its.course.By doing so, whatever struggles there are about specific items of reform, one of the results of the development is a broad national valuation consensus, though in specific cases such a consensus is first arrived at when a reform is already instituted.

    Of course economists traditionally came to assume a conflict between economic growth and egalitarian reforms. They took it for granted that a price had to be paid for reforms in terms of lower productivity of the national economy.

    The problem is as follows: how the savings ratio, labor input, and labor efficiency react to different degrees of equality in the distribution of income and wealth.The reforms were regularly argued simply in terms of achieving greater social justice.

    Only in more developed welfare states, such as Sweden, Denmark and Finland, the idea emerged that welfare reforms, instead of being costly for a society, were actually laying the basis for a more steady and rapid economic growth.

    A very important element in the development of social reforms, particularly in Sweden from the 1930's onward, was that the reforms became increasingly directed toward the welfare of the family and children.

    Such reforms could be advocated in terms of being "preventive" or "prophylactic". Thus, saving the individual and society from future costs and increasing future productivity. Such arguments are most easily applied to reforms in the fields of housing, nutrition, and more broadly, health and education. This is because income redistribution reforms protecting the living standards of families with children and, in particular, underprivileged families, can also have great societal benefits.

    Indeed, even old-age pensions and other policies to provide for the aged can be defended from the point of view of family welfare, because in modern urbanized societies, individual families are no longer able to care for them without great costs.

    However, it is necessary to bear in mind the political culture of the various countries, because the political leaders' way of thinking and policy analysis can have an important influence on policy-making.

    Darrell West, vice president and director of Governance Studies at the Brookings Institution, said, "Liberal became a code word synonymous with bad things, so Democrats devised a new way of describing themselves." He added, "It's all about the politics of language."

    In the meantime, Darrell West suggested that Obama and like-minded legislators ought to claim the mantle of moderation for themselves before it’s too late.

    "When you hear one of the conservative Democrats say, ‘I don't think we should be pushing forward on things like health care or energy right now, because we’re in a big hole already fiscally -- that's not a position that needs to be branded as a moderate position," West said.

    ©2009 OhmyNews
    Other articles by reporter Alfredo Ascanio

    lunes, febrero 01, 2010


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