sábado, mayo 12, 2007

HINTERLACES and it Focal Groups

In the month of March of year 2,007, HINTERLACES: the company/signature specialized in handling Focal Groups to look for with an investigation of field the partner-political profile of present Venezuela, has finished one of those studies, the results in summarized form are the following ones.

1) They exist in the country an antagonism without certain political alternatives
2) Exists in the country a sociocultural rupture: a group supported in a symbolic and affective speech with Chavez and others presenting/displaying fatigue and frustration.
3) One privileges the social participation, the political inclusion and the recognition to the poor excluders ones.

4) It is desired to see that refund the democratic order, the institutional order, the values and the ethics, the equality, the social and no discrimination and to avoid social polarization.
5) Inhales to new leadership oppositionist politician who dares to the symbolic-pedagogical fight by ideas, belief and opinions.

As far as the Ideological Agenda of Chavez:
- Indefinite Re-election: 61% in discord, 23% agreement and 16% do not think.
- To establish socialism of century XXI: 45% in discord, 33% agreement, 22% do not think
- To establish socialism to the Cuban style: 86% in discord, 9% agreement, 5% do not think
- Expropriate and to nationalize private companies: 78% disagreement, 17% of agreement, 8% do not think
- To revoke the concession to RCTV: 75% discord, 17% agreement, 8% do not think
- Donations and expenses in the outside: 85% discord, 10% agreement, 5% do not think
- Violent and crude confrontation with the USA: 78% discord, 13% agreement and 9% do not think
- What it wants the majority: 77% want ORDER, UNIT, FAIRNESS, ETHICS, EFFICIENCY

Evident rejections: not to the purchase of arms, not to the cost of money in the outside, not to the confrontation exacerbate like “smoke screen” in relation to true domestic problems, to the Blackmail not to attract the citizens politically, not to the manipulation of the symbolic speech. A conflict between the Ideological Agenda that is rejected in average in a 70% and the monetary and symbolic blackmail with the poor men and excluders exists to produce hopes and recognitions to them.

The Social Missions are good to begin to alleviate the poverty but it is not the ideal solution. The education and the work if it is it. To depend on the paternalism of the State is “a facility” solution. Without real work there is future no to leave the welfare one.

The symbolic bows are debilitated as opposed to the lack of tangible profits and exists a danger that they are transformed into BOWS of clients with New Party United, that is to say, just like it did at his moment AD and COPEY.

It exists impatience and fatigue not to observe important and real results. Which is considered that it exists in the Team of Government much corruption and Inefficiency, contributes to reject the Ideological Agenda of the President.

Some Chavistas and Neither-Neither consider that the President has deceived them, because expenses of money have been made unnecessary to only look for supports by means of the Blackmail.

One demands a democratic socialism with justice and use that is a mixture between socialism and Capitalism (third via which once Chavez spoke, when it was in Campaign).

It is not a subject of a new Model of social relations of production, but a model of solidarity with all the population and to help the poor men, but with its democratic attributes including, with use and worthy work.

76% request ENGAGE IN A DIALOG. 73% request change of the inefficient and corrupt Governmental Equipment. 85% request security and to eliminate the corruption. 87% request to fight the delinquency stimulated in these years of management.

The MAIN PROBLEMS of the COUNTRY are, according to the opinion of the focal groups interviewed (Chavistas, nonChavistas and Neither-NEITHER): 79% Insecurity, 10% unemployment, 11% inflation. The people in charge of these acute problems are: 30% Chavez, 35% their Team of Government, 18% All, 7% the Opposition, such Venezuelan 7%, 3% do not think.

According to the focal groups consulted the Performance of Chavez it has been: bad and very bad 38%, 15% to regulate, and good 41%. The performance of its Work party: bad and very bad 73%, l5% to regulate and acceptable 10%. 53% think that the President to harmed to the country and 57% think that the Opposition also has harmed the country.

As far as the Political Position: 43% Neither-NEITHER, 34% Chavistas, 23 Opposition. Between Neither Neither and opposition added 66%. Also 67% are not identified with political parties, 31% if they are identified and 2% do not think.

Those that 20% are identified with a party do it with the MVR. The opinion on Chavez: favorable 45%, unfavorable 43% and 23% do not think. The Opinion on Manuel Rosales: unfavorable 59%, favorable 25% and 16% do not think.


The company responsible for the investigation made personal and direct interviews to group centers of 9 to 10 people each group during 2 to 3 hours of meeting, with chavistas, supporters, Neither-NEITHER, greater opponents of 18 years. 50% men and 50% women, of 20-25 years and 36-55 years. Interviews to social layers A-B, C, D, and E.
990 interviews in all the national territory and cities and districts. On the basis of a strata, semi-probability sampling, multi-stage and random, with a maximum of 3% of error margin and of 95% of confidence level.

The company is Venezuelan and they form ITMedia and LITHOMedia and constructs to its page Web at this moment:

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