sábado, octubre 14, 2006

The political lies.The aims justify the fraud

The political lies
The aims justify the fraud

Alfredo Ascanio (askain)

In his message for this day, the Director-General of UNESCO, Koichiro Matsuura, stressed that “Literacy is widely acknowledged as one of the most powerful tools of development, which makes its relative neglect all the more frustrating.” Mr Matsuura added that literacy is also “a lever of change and an instrument for achieving further social progress.”

But, at the outset of the 21st century, there are still an estimated 880 million adults who cannot read nor write in the world; two-thirds of whom are women. Many children won't learn to read and write in school - as an estimated 113 million children of primary school-age are not attending. And many more children drop out or complete school without even learning to read or write.

According to the estadisticas of UNESCO Latin American and the Caribbean has a to population over 548 millions of inhabitants. This population is growing to a rate of the 1.4% al year and the population among 0-14 years is of the 30%.

The rural population the 23%. The rate of fertility (born by woman) is of 2.4.

The children in primary school are 69 million, that is to say the 13% of the total population, but there is 3 million children that are outside of the primary school that is to say the 4% of the children that if they respond to this educational level.

The rate of adults alphabetized and over 15 years is of an average of the 90% between men and women, that is to say that the 10% remainder is not alphabetized.

If we compare the data of Venezuela with its region we find that Venezuela has a population of more or less 26 million inhabitants, that is to say the 5% of the population of Latin America and the Caribbean. The medium growth of its population is of the 1,8%, that is to say 1,29 times more than the growth of the region.

The population among 0-14 years is equal al 32%, that is to say 1,07 greater that the regional percentage. The rural population is equal al 12%, that is to say 0,52 of the regional data. The rate of fertility is equal to 2,7 that is to say 1,13 greater that the regional data. The 6% of the children they are outside of the primary education, that is to say almost two greater times that the regional data.

The 55% of the children they attend the primary education, remaining a 45% out of the educational system, when the regional average is of the 60% that if they attend.

The rate of adults over 15 years and alphabetized is equal to 93%, that is to say that the percentage of done not alphabetize is equal al 7% of that population of adults, that is to say 3% less than the regional data. But for the 2.006 still the rate of adults done not alphabetize was equal al 4% of the total population (http://www.uis.unesco.org/profiles/EN/EDU/countryProfile_en.aspx?code=8620 )

All in all in Venezuela there are one million 154 thousand illiterate ones, according to the World-wide Report of education 2006 of UNESCO, it said Jose Luis Farias expert in the subject and adviser of Manuel Rosales, candidate to the Presidency of Venezuela.

Farias affirmed: “Chavez deceived the country and the world when he said, in the 2004, that he had ended the illiteracy in six months”. Just then the analysts said: very short time to be able to carry out this task.

When the official lies of Venezuela like “free territory of illiteracy” is fulfilled a year, they arise serious and described tests, between that is the Report of UNESCO, on the veracity of such affirmation.

The supposed “successes” of the plan of alphabetization of Chavez hit the reality, because the World-wide Report of Education 2006 of UNESCO indicates that in Venezuela there is 1 million 154 thousand illiterate ones (4% del total de la poblacion), of which 136,000 are young, between 15 and 24 years of age.

The total of illiterate represents 7% of the greater population of 15 years, 52% are women. To the rate of the plans of alphabetization of the government, the Report indicates that in 2015 there will be still 972,000 illiterate ones. Hardly equivalent to a diminution of 2% of the rate of illiteracy. What could be worse if we took into account that in 2005 50,000 children less entered the first degree of education.

We are with an extraordinary mediatic farce, a crude educative swindle to the nation that is imperative to denounce. The experts in the Venezuelan education always had doubts of which it seemed to them a information very badly sustained and oriented to mount a great educative fraud.

In eight years of the government of Chavez some in the matter of alphabetization has been no significant advance. In agreement with the Information on Human Development of the PNUD and the Information of World-wide Education of UNESCO, in 1999, when Chavez took the power in Venezuela, the rate of adult Alphabetization was of 92.3% and in 1990 it was of 88.9%, that is to say, in nine years it increased 3.4% to an annual growth of 0.35%.

During eight years of lies, wastefulness and corruption in the Government of Chavez in 2006 the alphabetization as soon as 0.7% raised to locate itself in 93%, that is to say, the alphabetization rate descended to a fifth part from the maintained one in the previous decade.

Luis Bravo, director of the doctorate in education of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), it asked: “Venezuela free territory of illiteracy, miracle or farce?” The investigator said that that there was to hope the report of UNESCO to know the reality. But brave it said that data did not exist to affirm or to deny the presidential affirmations although what says the government seems a fraud.

The advertising unfolding of the government to promote its educative farce held fast in a conduct without ethics to play with the human misery. The lies and the lack of scruples are of the more well-known psychotics characteristics in the personality of Chavez.

Also the Venezuelans we remembered when Chavez invented, in 2000, that his government incorporated 600,000 new students to the educative system and the report of his Ministry of Education denied the fact and only said that that the increase had been of 234,000 new students.

“The revolutionary” aim justifies those lies or frauds of the head of the Government.

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