lunes, enero 23, 2006

Bringing relevant information to your desktop

En el enlace o link de arriba aparece la colección completa de herramientas que hasta ahora han aparecido para hacer productivo su trabajo en la red. Esta colección completa nos la ha mandado:Nick Noakes del Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching,Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

They both refer to links that are for subscribing to information (text, audio, video, etc). There are a lot more. It's a pain I know but it is still because this field has not 'settled' down yet in terms of standardization. Both RSS and XML are barriers - I still prefer a button that says subscribe. Buttons are often either orange or blue but I have seen other colours too. I did a presentation with a colleague from our university library on using RSS for reading info last November. If you'd like to take a look at some of the resources (and see some, but not all, of the other icons for subscribing to news/info feeds)

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