viernes, julio 20, 2007

El Fraude Electoral con Computadora

El enlace de arriba es un ejemplo del Fraude Electoral Digitalizado. También pueden ver el mapa electoral en USA y hacer click en cualquiera de los Estados como Idaho, Colorado o California y ver lo que pasa allí.
  • MAPA

  • Maps of election fraud and irregularity incidents from 2006, a map of the attorneys involved in the US Attorney/Gonzales
    Scandal, as well as a map of election fraud cases brought to court in2006 and 2007.Put your issues on a map! As an citizen activist, you can probablyname several examples of, say, where academic freedom is threatenedat Universities. You can name all the 'free-speech zoned' campusesacross the country at CSU Long Beach, Berkeley, NYU, Florida State,etc. But have you shown them to people on a map? Here's an example ofour Map of Election Fraud and Irregularities from November 2006.

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